How Wood and Disney promoted their App and stood out

Wood and Disney are a modern, proactive firm based in Colchester. They’ve been trying to break the tired stereotypes of the boring accountant with no investment in their clients. Wood and Disney stand out with a different approach to how they present themselves. Their website is a good example of how they do things: The home page is an interactive cartoon that functions like a sitemap. Hovering over one of the buildings in the picture gives you a link to that page. Further down the page is a cartoon of the kind of firms they’re competing against: Dull and Sons.

This homepage is just the tip of the iceberg: the website brims with humour that sets them apart from the other firms that think they’re different. This approach to presenting their website carries over to their App.

How did Wood and Disney promote their App?

The first thing they did when they got their App was to promote it frequently via their Twitter account. A simple way of getting people to notice your App, complete with QR Codes that take you to the store page. Facebook was also used, with the generous character limit of Facebook posts giving Wood and Disney more room to talk about the App. They used a ‘Tuesday Tip’ theme, showing off some features of the App with a similar setup to the Twitter posts described earlier. Wood and Disney also wrote a number of blogs during the initial release of the App, showcasing individual features of the App such as the integrated blog, team sections, calculators, tax tables, key dates and many more. They also went into detail about what the App can achieve, what it can do and the immense value of the App to their clients.

They have also made some physical advertisements, such as a large banner in the office with a QR code that visitors can scan to find the store page. It’s also taken to any networking events that Wood and Disney partake in. They’ve also adapted their business cards to their current firm style, which also has a QR Code. These cards were given out to local bank managers and other business centres, which gave Wood and Disney new clients.

All this effort to promote their App has given Wood and Disney a huge potential client base that they can contact at any time. This makes them stand out in a sea of accounting firms that tell their potential clients that they’re ‘different’.