
Why Push Notifications?

A study found that an average of six in ten users will return to an App within a month if they are being engaged with push messaging.

40%– Recent data from Kahuna reveals that push engagement rates vary widely across industries – utility and financial services Apps seeing the highest performance at 40%.

Push notifications are a powerful form of mobile communication used by professional firms around the world.

Email Vs Push Notifications

Emails are noted for higher malware spread probabilities

According to ZipStripe research, it takes a recipient an average 6.5 hours to view an e-mail, but only 15 minutes to view push notifications.

Emails can be perceived as too noisy and not valuable to the customer

People check their personal emails for an average 20 minutes per day, but a typical Smartphone is on for 16 hours per day.

Push notifications have higher engagement rates than e-mails because they lead to a consistent App experience.

Constant Contact, which sends millions of emails on behalf of its 500,000+ customers, found that the average email click-through rates hover below 15 percent for many key industries:

  • Retail – 13.99%
  • Medical Services – 11.19%
  • Real Estate – 9.82%
  • Sports and recreation – 11.89%
  • Travel and tourism – 10.61%
  • Compared to email, push notifications knock it out of the park with 50 percent better open rates and click-through rates up to twice as high.

Push notifications are a lot more personalised than e-mails, and messages appear right on a Smartphone’s lock screen unlike emails, which can get deleted without being opened. According to a study made by Xtify, the open rates for push notifications vary from 30% to 60%, and interaction rates run as high as 40%. In comparison, the average open rate for email is 20%, and the average click-through rate is only 5.4%.

SMS Vs Push Notifications

SMS coupon redemption averages 15%–20% and for push notifications it can be as high as 30%. Users have total control over the push notifications they receive from mobile Apps, unlike text messages.

Text messages are perfect for local businesses with temporary promotion campaigns but if the business is remote and the user has not subscribed for these notifications voluntarily, the engagement level will be almost zero.