UK Autumn Budget – Live Information for Accountants

Today Chancellor Philip Hammond will reveal the UK budget and a record number of businesses will be getting their update live from their accountants via their App.

According to the BBC and others this is a key budget and one that the young in particular should be paying particular attention to.

In advance the App is updated with the key budget expectations, and then live, during the day its updated in real time by leading content experts.

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All the latest business and personal announcements, along with the budget reaction.

But its more than that, key announcements will also be shared directly via push messages – we call these ‘budget alerts’

These series of budget alerts are incredibly powerful, and have become a key tool for hundreds of accountancy firms to engage and communicate with clients.

Of course the benefits go well beyond keeping your clients advised and up to date. It’s the statement it makes when you are working with clients in a modern, forward thinking way.

See how it works today by downloading the App for free > >

You can see exactly how it works by taking a few seconds to download the App for free. You can use it without charge and see how it works, live through the budget and of course you can explore the other features such as calculators, mileage tracker, income manager, receipt manager, software integrations and more.