17 customers on video

How a compliant Tax App has benefitted hundreds of accountancy firms and why they love it!

Following on from our launch we are getting huge positive traction on this App and lots of people very keen to use it.

Cormac Fitzgerald

Fitzgerald & Partners

The design of this app has far exceeded our expectations. Not only was everything up and running faster than expected, it was exactly as we had asked for it to be. Nobody told us what we wanted, instead they actually listened (a lost art for most companies) and performed well. Thank you for making this painless and helping it turn out as we had pictured it in our minds.

Travis Tandy

Tandy Consulting

I can really see a great and exciting future for me using MyFirmsApp to organise control and operate my accountancy practice in the 21st century to become one of the leading brands in the world.

Colin Greatorex

Colin Greatorex Limited

I visited the MyFirmsApp team on their busy stand at Accountex this year and subsequently asked them to build our App. A couple of weeks after giving the go ahead and my App is up and running! I wouldn’t have thought that was even possible but the team go above and beyond to get the job done and now I’m launching the App with clients and prospects sooner than I imagined. Hat’s off to Dan Richards and the team, their customer service is second to none! I can’t wait to see what the App does for my firm and I would certainly encourage anyone considering an App to speak to their team – it costs less than you might think!

Nicola Donnelly

MEND Accounting Ltd

I am very pleased with the process so far. Everyone has been very responsive and easy to work with.

Shawn Higginbotham


The app is great and makes us aware of what we are doing, keeping us up there with the latest tech – we stopped using our tax cards – we used to have them in briefcases, on desks; now we just use the app for meetings and with clients – we’ll check the latest rates and find it’s all there in the app. If clients are taking an employee on and need to decide on their net pay – they can work it out on the payslip calculator. We’ll also see them using the loan calculator, and for clients, that is how we get them engaged. We’re paying for the app and not spending money on budget cards anymore – information is instant.

Debbie Whitaker

Not Just Numbers

Neil is great, his customer support and assistance is next to none and consistently efficient. I would like a Neil in our business.

Eleanor Shakeshaft

Your Business Accountants

All the staff at MyFirmsApp are pleasant, they know what they are doing and are lovely in doing so. One organisation that I absolutely haven’t got a bad thing to say about, usually I have a gun to my head to ring any tech company but I will happily sit and chat with you all as you are Approachable, Fast communicating and a Great Pleasure.

Roger Wilson

Casterbridge Hardy

I am more than happy with the process there has be no hassle priceless really. Absolutely brilliant it’s been thoughtless and i love the new logo in the app store it feeds straight to my app

Craig Males

S J Males & Co

It’s a lovely App – much nicer than carrying a business card. I was with a group of business people recently, they were all handing out business cards and I said, “well, I’ve got an App actually – and they all looked impressed!” It’s easy to find on the Playstore & easy to download there & then. You could be sitting with a client and you can just get the App out if you need to access any information. It’s easy to use. With business cards people will file them away in a drawer, if they’re organised, but everyone carries their phone around and so they have access to your details on the App instantly.

Stephanie Fitzpatrick-Corkin

Sole Trader

Sovereign Asset Management chose to have our own firm’s App primarily because we believed it would support our efforts to always provide the best service to our clients. Our aim was to allow customers to quickly and easily obtain relevant information through their smartphones and tablets and to build a stronger relationship with our clients. MyFirmsApp have provided exceptional and professional service from inception to ongoing servicing. We have a named point of contact who always responds immediately to any queries. We are delighted with the App, having received extremely positive feedback from clients who use the App regularly. We believe that it adds another layer to our client relationship and service.

Rob Shirley

Sovereign Asset Management Ltd

I knew having an App would differentiate us. What I underestimated was by how much and in how many different ways. We have had PR articles and people sharing feedback with us on the App stores. It’s strengthened our message of being proactive, forward thinking innovators and helped us become even more visibly different than our competitors. Clients love it. I mean not just downloading it or using it once or twice. They are engaging with it, some of them multiple times each day. And each time they do, our branding and name is in front of them. And all for such a small investment of money. And best of all it doesn’t require any of my time to manage it.

Aynsley Damery

Tayabali Tomlin

Just to let you know, I asked 2 fledgling Accountants yesterday to check out the product. One was 22 and one 25. Both thought the product was great and intuitive which proves my theory exactly that this is the future and old dinosaurs like me need to wake up to it!

Tony Margaritelli


I would like to personally thank you for spending almost 3hrs with me on the phone today exploring, explaining, and overview nothing short of every aspect of both the dashboard as well as the App itself. We have undergone many technology upgrades lately and it is great to know that we have a strong, knowledgeable, and easily approachable support base that has given us the added confidence we needed with this project.

Mark Carbone

Tilenni Stiles

The professionalism of the work you’ve done is astonishing. Everyone has been positive about you. Your patience dealing with people is astonishing. I admire how you do this to no end. It’s so kind to take the time to talk about using push – now I understand what it is, your product knowledge is superb. I appreciate the customer care – we feel really comfortable with the care you guys put in.

Roger Wilson

Casterbridge Hardy

Steffan and his team design our app based on a logo we had and after helping and supporting us and amending the app icon a few times to fit our needs we were very pleased with the outcome and looking forward to see the final app launched to show our customers and potential customers for the future and would like to thank My Firms App for all their guidance and support and would recommend them anytime.

Tony Jackson

Barry Summers & Co Limited

I love it. The App works really well for us. It’s great to show clients – it has a whole host of tools for them to access straight away, and they don’t have to keep asking us all the time. It’s also always kept up-to-date with tax calculations. I find the App is a handy tool internally as well; whether we’re out and about seeing a client or demonstrating it, it saves us having to bring up different software. We also use it to drive traffic to the website and social media channels. MyFirmsApp have always been very helpful when we’ve needed support with the App.

Stephanie Rickaby

Sunflower Accounts

Refreshingly Excellent

Wendi Hall

NCH Tax & Wealth Advisors

We have been using it for about a year now The Receipt Manager is the most used page and we also promote it regularly in our e-newsletter and the articles about it are consistently opened and read. I personally love it. It’s such a unique talking point. When I tell someone we have an app, they’re always very impressed and think it’s exceptionally cutting edge.

Stephanie Chapa

Wiebe Hinton Hambalek, LLP

I just wanted to say what a pleasure it is dealing with everyone at MyFirmsApp; you are all so helpful and cheerful!

Clare Mulle

Sovereign Asset Management Ltd

I was very impressed with the work and support from Steffan from the design team at MyFirmsApp. The process and communication was smooth, even with the challenge of working across different time zones, the time difference actually helped minimized delays. I would submit my revisions so he would have them at the start of the next work day and minimize losing time. Steffan did a great job in aligning the app design with the company’s branding to have brand consistency. Thank you for all the quality and timely design work! Great service all around!

Doris Hernandez

Business Efficiency Consulting

I love the new design of my App. The updates I had asked for were applied very quickly AND the design included some great things I hadn’t even thought to ask for! Excellent service.

George Lillie

AJM Accountants

I have sent the app to a few friends as Guinea pigs who love it and think it is not what they would expect from their accountants!!

Philip Munk

TWP Accounting LLP

We subscribed to MyFirmsApp after being impressed at Accountex 2015. The implementation was smooth and the functionality has raised our profile with clients, providing them with useful tools to enhance decision making and controls

Stephen Farra

Stephen Farra Associates

We are now very firmly in the ‘age of connection’. MyFirmsApp are now enhancing that at an amazing level, which is why so many of the clients I serve are using these processes – specifically to connect. Of course I recommend the App; I’ve got to see my data, I’ve got to be connected with you – it needs to be right there and that’s what the App does. You’re giving clients access to their information and other things they might need to do a better job and, importantly, to stay more connected to you – great for developing client loyalty. It’s a brilliant way of using technology to connect. The feedback is always ‘I love it.’ People are inspired. Just do it – you will be so thrilled that you did.

Paul Dunn


Our App looked great and has been both a good client engagement tool and conversation piece with prospects. I know that we have over 190 individuals using our App but has it actually generated new clients? To be fair I didn’t really expect it to, knowing how hard it is to genuinely track lead sources. So when a new client came on board I was rather shocked to find that the tipping point, the thing that ‘really’ made the difference and encouraged them to choose us was our App. It’s a sign I am sure of the future and things to come.

Ian Marlow


At last, something exciting for accountants…Whatever next?

Justin Smith Milne

Smith Milne & Co

As a leading proactive Scottish Accountancy firm for over 45 years, and ICAS member, seeing the MyFirmsApp solution is one of the most exciting things I’ve encountered in my career. It’s a genuine breath of fresh air!

Ian Donaldson

Carters Chartered Accountants

Members of 2020 are looking to be different from the run-of-the-mill accountancy practices. That differentiation can be further enhanced by using the services of Insight and MyFirmsApp. We have been utilising their services over the last 3 to 4 years and are delighted by the results. Why not see what they could do for you?

Philip Caplan

Caplan Associates

I always want to go the extra mile for my clients and when I heard about having an app for my practice I was very excited by the idea given the recent trends for social media and mobile technology. I love the key dates, calculators and tax tables as they are very useful to my clients but the app also provides another easy way for clients to keep in touch and up to date. The ability of the app to also promote my business to those downloading the app, having a chance to find out about me and my practice, what services I offer and a link to my website is great. It has also given me something interesting to talk about on social media and something different to offer. The team at MyFirmsApp have been very helpful and adaptable to my needs providing help all along the way.

Catherine Bennett

Catherine Bennett Accountants

We are in changing times where access to information needs to be fast and accurate. Clients are becoming more savvy with the latest software and having an App shows to them that our firm is on the same page and looking into the latest working methods. We have had some very positive feedback from clients on our New App.

Ray Khan

Khan Morris Accountants Limited

Thank you to the Team at Insight for developing Thoburn & Chapman’s new App. It looks absolutely great and the content is spot on for our needs of helping our clients get easy access to important info and getting us in the shop window of potential customers who fit our ideal client profile. It seems to be doing both jobs really well for a minimal investment. The feedback from our clients has been 100% in favour. Well done!

Ralph Thoburn

Prime Accountancy

We are delighted with our App which was designed by the team at MyFirmsApp. The process was simple and the cost extremely competitive. It gives us great content in two sections – first the tax tables and really helpful calculators, and second the content we can update ourselves, helping us keep clients and potential clients updated with news and events at Alexander & Co and different ways we have helped clients. It’s a fantastic marketing tool with links to our blog, website and social media.

Richard Alexander

Alexander & Co

We met with MyFirmsApp at ICAS Edinburgh offices at a meeting arranged by ICAS. The meeting was great, exceedingly helpful and subsequently we chose to get an App built for our firm. They took the time to understand our goals and needs, to explain the market place and options we have. Not only did the App look great but the entire process from order to getting our very own App approved by Apple and Google has been smooth, professional and highly efficient throughout. Highly recommended and refreshing to have made a decision and then have our App live so quickly. We look forward to marketing it now and continuing to be on the cutting edge as a firm.

Calum Anderson

Andrew Hamilton & Co

Choosing an App through MyFirmsApp has given us a strong differentiator in an increasingly competitive market. Our clients expect us to be innovating for them and our new App – which is as close to bespoke as possible without paying those high prices – is a terrific way to show them we care. They enjoy using it, it improves our interaction with them and it will continue to play a valuable role in our marketing as a Firm. It is also great to know we get the on-going support from the team at MyFirmsApp who continue to develop for us, plus can share ideas and provide input in how to get the most from this tool and mobile technology. Simply put, our App says a lot about us to our customers, prospects and affiliates – without us needing to say anything at all.

Richard Suswain

Tyrrell and Company

Tower Hill Associates Limited, an Accredited Financial Planning Firm and Chartered Financial Planners have developed a strong brand in the Richmond and Surrey area which needed protecting in an increasingly competitive digital world. Having heard Daniel Richards of Insight Marketing present at an IFP event I could not only tell that he “knew his stuff” but also that helping professional services firms with their branding and digital marketing was a particular niche of the firm. During follow up conversations I became more and more relaxed about working with the team and could see that their specialist industry expertise/knowledge combined with 30 + years of sales and marketing experience would help Tower Hill Associates to improve their social media and digital marketing. Whilst it is relatively early days, I can confirm that so far they have been professional, helpful and diligent and I am happy to recommend them to other financial service companies looking for expert sales and marketing assistance.

John Lang

Tower Hill Associates Limited

As a leading firm of financial advisors and planners – we wanted to create an App that would serve our clients well, give them easy access to systems we use with them and really help differentiate us versus other advisors they may consider. The App is something measurably different about us which has a specific advantage to the user and is enough in many cases to impress and cause the question ‘this is great, what else do you do?’. For a firm that ‘does’ financial planning for individuals differently to much of the market, that is a great question to seek to instill in people’s minds.

Dominic Thomas

Solomons IFA

We chose MyFirmsApp as we wanted to differentiate as a firm and continue to be at the cutting edge of technology with clients and prospects. Along with the App, which has been created for us – we also chose a marketing pack to help us easily promote and distribute our new App. We were particularly pleased that even before we began marketing it, we had won 2 clients who had found our App and enquired through it! This has already paid for the App and we now look forward to marketing it with earnest and enjoying the results from that.

Derek Mitchell

Taylor Viney & Marlow

I just wanted to send you a quick email to say thank you for your work on the app. It’s been an excellent tool for the practice, we’ve had numerous benefits. One area where we regularly see it working is with new business generation. To give you one example, just last week we had a new Barrister client join us who had come across our App. She really liked the tools and the fact that it was such a helpful and different way of supporting clients. It was enough for her to get in touch and then with our strength of experience in the is sector – a new client was won! It’s great to see the App initiating contact like this and supporting our reputation.

Mason Bloom

Silver Levene

Tony Margaritelli – ICPA Chairman

Martin Levin – Martin Levin & Co

Alan Woods – Woods Squared

Logan Khan – The Boss Partnership

Paul Ryan – Yare Accountancy