How Premier Tax Solutions is growing fast

Premier Tax Solutions is a young company, founded in 2013 by Emily Precious & Vanessa Fuller. Premier Tax has enjoyed a massive rate of growth since, with 750% growth since 2014, and have already exceeded the growth estimate for 2016.

How have they managed to grow this fast in a sustainable fashion? The clear answer would be their friendly, professional and jargon-free approach to business. Their open-minded approach to new technology and ways of doing business is another card in their deck. And now they’ve added another one: their App. To quote firm founder Vanessa ““We are always looking to innovate and find new ways of helping our clients run their financial affairs smartly.”

Premier Tax’s powerful App and other tools in development

Premier Tax chose to commission an App not long ago, choosing the world leaders in the Accountants App field – MyFirmsApp. The Premier Tax App is a goldmine of useful features and information. Up-to-date tax tables and calculators, store receipts, track mileage and income. The Premier Tax App offers access to services like Xero, Dropbox, Google Drive and Receipt Bank. Software like Xero is invaluable to people who need their financing done on the move, whereas DropBox allows you to move files from local storage onto the ‘Cloud’: anywhere you can log in to Dropbox, you can access and use your files. Google Drive gives you access to a whole host of features available on Google, and Receipt Bank makes storage of important receipts a breeze.

The Premier Tax App is also designed to support Push Notifications, an innovative new way of gaining the interest of clients in a method that doesn’t feel as irritating and time consuming as email shots. While email shots tend to get ignored by the vast majority of clients and very few of them actually read it, push notifications are short enough that nearly all of them will read them and 4 to 5 times the amount of users will respond to them in comparison to email shots, directing them straight to whatever you advertised.

Premier Tax is also working with Staffordshire-based developers Langley Foxall to develop another App, specifically for the team themselves. This App allows the small team at Premier Tax to store and view client data, as well as the ability to contact them rapidly with invaluable advice and updates. This App will streamline and reduce the work needed for staff members. Vanessa describes how this works: “For example, we can be meeting a client in a coffee shop and by logging on to the app, we will be able to see the latest data on Xero accountancy software, send out invoices or set up direct debits. It’s an extremely helpful business tool.”

With this progressive attitude to accounting, it’s no wonder why Premier Tax exceeds their own targets!