ICPA Practice evolution conference, making tax digital

Being in practice, running a practice, handling clients and managing workloads can be a real challenge. During such change, taking some time out of the office to hear the latest thinking from leading speakers can be incredibly rewarding, motivating and productive. Having heard Tony and the team at the ICPA previously, we decided to become one of the primary sponsors of this very special event.

A great line up of world class speakers

The event, at Worsley Park Marriot Hotel, will see an extensive list of keynote speakers discussing a range of issues, from Automation to making your business more profitable.

Among the speakers is Steve Checkley, Director of TaxCalc, who will be discussing quarterly reporting, leaning on his experience as chairman of BASDA’s ‘Accountants in Practice’ forum.

Mark Lee, who runs The Inner Circle for sole practitioner accountants determined to be more successful, will be discussing ways to make your practice more profitable.

And, of course, joining us as exhibitors at the event will be a host of recognisable names in the finance industry, such as Taxwise, TaxCalc, Bankstream, Six Forward, DNTca, Pensionsync, Pracman and many more.

Conference sponsors Taxwise will also be hosting a Tax, Vat and Employment Clinic in Manchester in their own designated room, giving you the opportunity to ask their specialists any questions that you have on these subjects.

A special session from MyFirmsApp

For the last four years, MyFirmsApp have innovated and worked tirelessly to ‘Put Accountants First’. The results have been fantastic for the tens of thousands of firms who have engaged this content, and even more so for the many hundreds of firms who are helping lead the way for the profession; working directly with MFA.

Being ‘first’ in the technology relationship with your clients has never been more important. To not provide a solution for your client in this space – through your own firm – is to willingly let them ebb away. Their first engagement through the device they use more than any other on a daily basis* will be another provider and not your firm. Add into this changing concoction, HMRC, and it becomes even more urgent and potent.

You are the most trusted advisor – and rightly so. However, if you don’t ensure that you are the first person your client turns to in the digital space and engage both with and through, then this hard won standing will become increasingly eroded. We passionately believe that shouldn’t, and mustn’t, happen. In fact, the other side of this coin is incredibly attractive. There is enormous potential and opportunity for firms when they serve clients and prospects through their own firms’ App. This up-side is both well worth pursuing and reassuringly easy to attain.

In May 2016, global authorities AppAnnie and Ofcom both reported that mobile use is replacing traditional platforms and is now *“the first screen – overtaking laptops to become the UK’s most important device”.

  • 90% of time on a Smartphone is spent in Apps and 10% through mobile web browsing.
  • 55-64yr olds are spending 70hrs+ p/m using Apps on Smartphones and tablets.
  • 35-54yr olds are spending 180hrs+ p/m using Apps on Smartphones and tablets.

MFA is both the UK’s and the world’s leading solution for Accounting firms of all sizes to get their own custom App which will affordably and simply secure their digital relationship with their clients, and is working for sole traders operating from a home office, all the way through to the world’s biggest and best known firms. It’s a platform you can trust.

During this brand-new presentation, we’ll explore these facts and how firms are turning them to their advantage – cementing and enhancing their vital trusted advisor status in this digital age. Plus, protecting against the changes HMRC are pushing forward with MTD and the solutions you can provide your clients.

During this brand-new presentation, we’ll explore these facts and how firms are turning them to their advantage – cementing and enhancing their vital trusted advisor status in this digital age. Plus, protecting against the changes HMRC are pushing forward with MTD and the solutions you can provide your clients.

One of the primary sponsors of the ICPA Practice Evolution conference

Back in June, our Senior Executive David Oliver spoke around the biggest threats facing accounting firms right now and issues concerning making tax digital. In Manchester, I’ll be focusing on the feedback from those who attended in June; how can you remain the most trusted advisor in this digital age? We’ll be taking a look at the actions and tools you can deliver to your clients to protect and serve, allowing you to prepare and benefit from the changes that are coming.

I look forward to seeing you at the event and taking part in what is always a special day with a great speaker line up and exhibitor list.