The 4 times TEDx Speaker, award-winning entrepreneur, and master presenter, Paul Dunn of B1G1 dropped by the MyFirmsApp stand at Accountex to catch up with old friends.

He speaks, on this video clip, of  ‘the enormous respect he has for MyFirmsApp and the gigantic strides they have made over the years’ since they first met and the feedback he gets from accountants all over the world about their ‘great product’.

Paul says: “MyFirmsApp is part of the B1G1 movement to transform companies by growing them and at the same time, help accountants create a better history for their clients. This can be anything from giving 300 children access to water to giving 300 children access to education. We all need to recognise that connection is the key to building businesses right now.”

Modern accounting has become incredibly dynamic, with business and tax becoming increasingly complex and tech dependent.  Always-on clients are demanding instant answers from their service providers, and accountancy firms are no different.

MyFirmsApp provides a unique, compliant solution for accountants, to help overcome these challenges whilst putting them at the heart of their clients’ mobile lives. Discover the App here and explore the benefits it can bring to your firm.

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