Be one of the first to see the faster, slicker, improved App for accountancy firms

Yes, this is your chance to see the all-new App that’s been carefully developed for accountants to give to clients and prospects. The App is fully compliant, approved and endorsed and comes with all the tax and financial data you would love your clients to access.

What’s more, this feature-rich App is jam-packed with tools that your clients will love, saving them – and you – lots of time.

Low cost, easy to launch and proven to work

Although the App has been entirely re-built on a brand new platform, the solution has been tried, tested and proven. It’s easy to launch your App with MyFirmsApp, and you’ll have your own App in your branding can be ‘live’ in the Apple and Android stores in just a few weeks.


One critical interface between all your systems, your firm and your customers

Once you launch an App with MyFirmsApp it will bring together all the current and future systems for your firm. So, rather than giving your clients many different Apps or multiple login website links, you simply give them your App.

Differentiate your accountancy practice

Although Apps are becoming increasingly essential to many people in their day-to-day lives, very few accountancy firms have reacted to this demand.

So when you launch an App it will ensure you differentiate your firm.

It will help you stand out in a modern and technologically advanced way in what is becoming an increasingly competitive marketplace.