One App

Boost your business by partnering with the worlds most popular App service for professional firms

Put your business at the fingertips of your customers and scores of potential clients in your area when you become a part of the OneApp community. Enjoy a closer relationship with clients, ease of communication, the latest innovative technology, streamlined software, automated marketing and dedicated customer service when you join us.

What’s included with One App ?

When you choose the OneApp solution you benefit from the most advanced App available. Giving you ground breaking technology at affordable prices. It’s the preferred solution for over 90% of our clients because it includes all of the major features, tools, content and data at a price that reflects your size.

The very best way to appreciate what’s included is to request a 1:1 call, however below is a quick glimpse as some of the many features available in the OneApp solution.

Access to OneApp

The new way to communicate with new prospects, save time and stand out using the super innovative brand 'MyAccountants' or 'MyAdvisor' it's easy to find and easy to generate a great ROI.

Cloud Login & Full Portal

Secure cloud login, your App control panel enabling you to view user data, send messages, add and remove your own content to selected sections in real time, and manage your App with ease. You can also see exactly how your App is performing thanks to live, real time download statistics, see how many devices have push notifications on, learn the top 10 pages your users are visiting in App, plus other useful statistics.

Dedicated & Unique Design

You get your own dedicated designer who will help deliver your App, in your brand, exactly as you want, including unique design of your splash page, home page, icon set and all in your colours and theme so it's your exclusive App profile.

Free Trial

Unique Tax Content

Access the latest compliant content including Tax Tables, Important Tax Dates (with automatic reminders), the latest finance news and complete Autumn Statement and Budget Pack - including expectations, business and personal announcements as they happen, along with other key announcements live. Plus professional reaction post budget, all updated live and in real time as it happens.

User Sign-In

Enabling you to see exactly who is downloading your App whilst preventing timewasters. You automatically capture their data such as name, company, email and phone. You can differentiate between current and potential clients, types of clients and groups of users. Link the data to your existing systems, CRM or email systems such as Hubspot, Mailchimp or Salesforce.

18 Calculators

One of the top 10 most visited sections of the App because they are a unique collection of powerful calculators that work out the basic (i.e. Income Tax Individuals) to the highly complex (i.e. PAYG Witholding).

Currency Converter

Built on request - this cool tool enables your App users to get the very latest currency rates and use the in built calculator to check rates around the world instantly.

Receipt Manager

One of the most popular 'OneApp' features. Clients simply use their phone to take a photo of a receipt. The App asks them to categorise the bill or expense (i.e. travel expenses or accommodation etc) and then input any relevant data such as a receipt name or how they paid for the receipt, and then save. No more shoeboxes full of receipts! The captured receipts and information can then be exported and emailed saving hours of sifting through paper receipts. What a time saver! And the 'OneApp' receipt manager is free to use, with no charge per transaction or per receipt, unlike so many other solutions. If you are looking for OCR scanning and deep integrations, this is the only platform that integrates with Receipt Bank.

Document Scanner

Allows you to create a new ‘document’. You give the document a name, a date, and a series of images. The ‘document’ is then stored on the device, and can later be emailed to the accountant if needed.

Your Content

This OneApp platform has been carefully built enabling you to add, remove, edit or amend content sections within your App via your cloud portal. These are areas of the App that relate to you, your services, your team and your data. It’s incredibly easy to use, and means you are not at the mercy of expensive techies to make amends for you.

Meet the Team

One of the most visited content sections that you can control, the meet the team functionality enables you to add, edit and remove team profiles whenever you require, all through the secure cloud portal


In App Enquiry Form

OneApp is designed to help streamline communication, making it easy for your firm to interact with both clients and potential customers to get in touch with you using the in App contact and enquiry form.

Mileage Tracker

We all know that mileage can be a real headache! Many of your clients don’t do it properly, losing out on legitimate expenses. Others have a DIY approach and some just stuff their car full of credit card slips. As their advisor, it can create time consuming questions for you, not to mention checking manual entries and requesting spreadsheets! The OneApp mileage tracker has been recently updated - it’s the most advanced and accurate one on the market - your users don’t even have to remember to press start, the App does it for them, no more missed journeys!

Cloud Accounting Logins

OneApp, OnePlace, Your Brand - Your App users are going to love being able to get everything they need from you, in one simple, centralised place. Your App can have icons and links to any cloud accounting portal or system you use. Solutions like Xero, Quickbooks, Kashflow, Sage, FreeAgent, Freshbooks, etc

Income Tracker

Built because of demand from thousands of end users, this great tool enables users to log income on the go. Be it personal or business users simply open the App, take a photo, insert any notes, and it's immediately saved onto their device - no more lost income, or confused accounts at the end of the month. It's perfect for smaller, contractor type clients who are managing 5 - 30 income sources a month and want to start keeping a digital copy. They can then export the data anytime at the click of a button.

Cloud Portal Links

App users benefit from everything being located in one place, including integration into any cloud accounting portal. Xero, QuickBooks, Kashflow, FreeAgent, Sage, MYOB and many others available. These are all accessible within your App, together with a powerful on-boarding tool; bringing disparate connections together in one simple place, all under your brand.

Client Dashboards

If you use a client dashboard and enable that solution for your clients, we can provide a dedicated icon on your App homepage that links to the dashboard of your choice; for example Spotlight, Fathom, Futrli or any other sdystem of your choice.

Receipt Bank

MyFirmsApp is the only App that offers it’s own receipt management function and full integration with Receipt Bank. This means you can offer two solutions in one, single App, therefore streamlining the process. Importantly, it also means that whichever they open on their device, it’s your brand they see and you are in control.

The options

Our in-built receipt manager is the perfect solution for firms who don’t want to pay per transaction and where customers are happy to answer a few quick questions in-App.

However, for firms where they either already use Receipt Bank or you are looking for a solution that uses OCR, scans the receipts and imports directly into your cloud accounting (such as Xero), then Receipt Bank provides this solution.

Please note you don’t have to use Receipt Bank.

Should I have both?

Many customers chose to keep both our free in-built receipt manager and Receipt Bank in their App in order to offer choice to their clients.

Providing both does not alienate either portion of your client base and offers a great solution that suits their needs and requirements.

Can I remove one or the other?

Yes, absolutely, this is your App and your creation therefore, if you want to remove one or the other that’s fine, just let us know at design stage.

Reckon Virtual Cabinet

The integration allows users to view documents and electronically sign from within your own App. Coming soon is the additional capability of upload and download and the deeper integration with push notifications to alert them to a document and send reminders – automatically.

Free Walkthrough

Document Exchange Logins

If you don’t use Virtual Cabinet and want to link your app with your own Document Exchange system that’s not a problem, we can add links to these systems into your branded App home screen if you request this during your design phase.

Push Notifications

The solution comes with an advanced push notification solution that’s built with professional firms in mind. Communication is often a challenge for most our users and getting clients to respond can be even harder. Push notifications can really help.

With OneApp, we know they deliver value for you and also your customers. We don’t limit the number you can send, and there are no extra charges.

What are they?

Push notifications are messages that can be sent to your App users quickly, easily and in a way that grabs their attention. They pop up on the home screen of your mobile device.

Because most of us take our mobiles with us wherever we go, they are known in the marketing world as a form of 'hyper personalised communication'. It sounds pretty snazzy, but it basically means that, if done correctly, they get read, drive engagement and a response.

Far more effective than email

According to research a push message will generate a 90%+ open rate, by comparison, an email will generate a 4% open rate, if you are lucky. What’s more they are easy to write, take seconds to send and deliver the message directly to your users device.

Email to Push

As far as we know this is totally unique to MyFirmsApp and has been built to help our customers get even more value from their App, and in particular the push messaging system.

Historically the only way to send a push message would be to log into your secure portal provided by MyFirmsApp and send a message. However email to push changes all that!

How does it work?

When you send an email to someone that’s important, you can simply add in a unique email address we give you in the BCC field in your email system (Outlook, MacMail etc) and our system will immediately search that contact in your App database, and if there is a match then it will send a copy of your message immediately via a push message without you having to do anything extra at all.

Scheduling System

Sending an instant push notification is incredibly simple; however there may also be times when you want to plan messages in advance.

That’s where the scheduling system comes, giving you the ability to pre-book push notifications into the scheduler to send at a date and time of your choice.

Automated Marketing

The automated marketing programme enables you to significantly step up your engagement with clients and prospects alike, without the need for you to do anything at all. Sounds good? We think it is.

As part of your package, every single month, your App users will receive timely and relevant communication from your firm via your App, all written and managed by us.

The messages cover things like reminding them of key deadlines, tips on how to get the most out of the App, advice on how to reduce the cost of driving and warm holiday messages. It helps you build a reputation with clients and prospects for great communication and providing valuable information, which extends beyond their accounts. It shows that you don’t just get in touch when the bill needs paying – all with zero effort from yourselves (not that your clients need to know that!)

Client Videos (onboarding & training)

One of the challenges in this digital era is onboarding and training clients. Most firms adopt multiple systems and clients have different levels of experience and understanding. Therefore we have developed a unique in App video channel feature, giving you access to 15 + video channels providing you with a video libary containing hundreds of videos such as Sage, Xero, Receipt Bank, ATO etc Each one showing the latest training videos, feature updates, business advice, tips etc. You simply select the channels you want and we will do the rest.

Additional Customised Icons

You can request additional icons during your bespoke design stage, enabling you to add links to all your systems and data, enabling your App to become the critical interface between you and your customers.

Find Out More

Financial Markets

If you are working with high net worth clients, or are offering personal financial advice, then you may wish to add the optional icons Share and Fund prices which link directly to the latest FT Markets Data, and also precious metals tracker that draws in the very latest market data into the App in real time - such as Gold, Silver, Platinum and Palladium Prices.

Optional icons

You may wish to add an icon or quick launch button of your choice, or choose from our optional icons. The range is constantly updated so do feel free to get in touch to discuss options.

  • Online Payment Links such as CardSave, Judo Pay, PayPoint
  • Share and fund prices
  • Finance News
  • Precious Metals - perfect for high net worth clients whose may have investments in metals, engineering companies whose production may be linked to metal pricing, or construction type business dealing in copper etc.
  • Review App - quick launch button to review the App within the Apple or Android stores

Add Additional Offices

If you have multiple offices around the UK, you have the ability to add these locations to your App, making yourself easy to find for those essential face to face meetings and giving clients access to office details in one click.

Website Linkup

This integration allows direct connection to your website from your App. This allows clients and prospects a more in-depth experience of your firm.

More Information

Live Blog Integration

If you post blogs on your website you don’t have to post them again in your App. With the use of your RSS feed we can automatically pull your published blogs right into your App, saving you more time and keeping everything up to date in real time without you having to do anything at all.

Social Media & Skype

Have more in-depth connections with your clients by integrating your social media into your App. This allows people to connect with you on social media - a great way to expand your communication. We can also embed your Skype ID or even the telephone number you want people to call using Skype. When your client clicks on your Skype logo in your App it will then initiate the call via the Skype App rather than a native phone call.

Smartphone Detection Code

A fantastic way of getting your customers and general website visitors to download your App. We provide you with a unique code, copy and offer box. This automatically pops up on your website when someone visits it using a smartphone and says something like "Hi there, we notice you are using an iPhone - this then links directly to your App on the App store for immediate download.

Intelligent QR Code

Our team will setup and generate for you a unique intelligent QR code. A single code that’s exclusive and unique only to your firm This single QR code is for you to use on all your promotional activity and your marketing. This awesome feature will automatically detect the device type your prospect is using, direct them to the right App store and link them to your App profile

Marketing Pack

Everything you may need to promote, market and share your App

The App Marketing Pack provides a suite of carefully developed, tested and proven resources, which give you ‘on tap’, access to the very best marketing tools to promote your App.

What’s great about this resource is that it’s going to save you hours of time, but all the material is tried, tested and proven to work by other firms.

The pack includes:

  • Emails
  • Letter
  • Blogs
  • Website Copy & SEO
  • QR Code
  • LinkedIn Promo
  • Marketing Videos
  • Bonus Push Pack

Training University

As part of our commitment to customer success we provide 24 hour a day - 5 day a week support and help. In addition we are building the MyFirmsApp training university which takes you and your entire team through a structured training programme with questions over 4 key sessions.