ICAEW Reviewed & Approved Accountants App

This witnesses a landmark shift in both the view and adoption of mobile Apps for accountancy firms. When we first launched the accountancy App solution in 2013 it was met with mixed views by the professional bodies, accountancy networks and leading names. Many opposed App technology for accountancy firms, and in particular firms which were launching their own Apps, primarily on a foundation of ignorance, fear and misunderstanding.

Things have now changed forever. 2014 was undeniably the tipping point for both App use generally and in particular for professional service companies, accountants and bookkeepers. The result was a wave of interest from professional bodies, networks, other software companies and event organisers.

Now some 18 months on – the landscape is utterly different and this landmark approval from ICAEW is a testament to that shift.

Not only does the My Firms App solution offer the only approved, endorsed and accredited App for accountants and bookkeepers, it’s also the only App, worldwide, to be reviewed and approved by ICAEW. It was so new that we spent over 6 months building and developing an App accreditation process with them.

Months of due diligence

The My Firms App solution had already been through detailed scrutiny during previous third party reviews. However, the depth of detail that the ICAEW review process required was staggering.

The App was looked at and explored in microscopic detail. Not only was it reviewed and appraised by the IT Faculty within the ICAEW, it was also passed to a team of external Auditors. In our case it was a senior team from Baker Tilley.

Special package for ICAEW members

So if you are an ICAEW member, this is great news. The App has been reviewed and approved by your professional body. What’s more, we have also put together a special package for ICAEW members. Full details online – see here.