When I started this business in a garage over 30 years ago, there were no computers, Smartphones or social media sites. Mobile phones and fax machines didn’t exist. There was no Internet, no broadband or 3G. The only thing that was EE was the oxygen you breathed and tablets were something you got from your doctor.

Having worked with accountants and other professionals for over 30 years, we’ve always worked hard to help our clients stand out. In the early days, just doing ‘something’ was enough to generate a good ROI. Since then we have ridden many waves, from fax marketing and telemarketing to direct mail, websites, SEO, Social Media and now Mobile technology and Apps.

The truth is that nowadays, the old ways of marketing for accountants don’t work anywhere near as well as they used to. They are largely tired, uneconomical, and no longer effective enough to be used. And that’s why my son and I have written this all-new report on proven ways to grow your firm.

Over the years, in our pursuit of marketing for accountants and other finance professionals, we’ve tried just about every possible way of ‘lead generation’. Every idea we are about to share with you has been thoroughly tested – you can be sure of that because we have made some major mistakes and carried out a number of disastrous campaigns along the way. We’ve sent emails with errors, mailers that bombed and lost literally thousands of pounds. So what you’re reading is a distilled list of what is working right now and generating a profit for other professional firms such as accountants, solicitors, IFAs, etc.

Help to get started

And to help you kick-start your marketing activity and develop a plan that really works, we are offering every reader a FREE 1:1 Marketing Clinic with one of our senior team.

The 21 Greatest Lead Generation Tips, Tricks, Ideas & Plans

A fish out of water gasping for air or a hummingbird in flight

You may not know everything about our business yet, but we run Insight Marketing, salesforaccountants.com and MyFirmsApp. The unique thing about our team is that we do what works! Our entire ethos, our job, is to generate meaningful results for our customers.

Like you, we have to respond to changes and develop new marketing activities that work in every new environment. And that means we have tried just about every modern day ‘lead generation’ marketing activity that exists.

So, before reeling off a huge list of ideas, tips, tools and techniques for you, it’s important that we all understand that the professional services industry is not simply changing…it has already changed – forever. So how should you respond?

Become a hummingbird!

The hallmark of any successful firm is its agility. Flexible, open-minded firms, who are ready to embrace technological, commercial and economic changes, will prosper. They will attract like-minded clients who want far more than a ‘traditional professional’ can offer, and they will be prepared to pay for it.

Agile firms will be responsive, lightweight and decisive. They will be early adopters, embracing new routes to market, prepared to take a few risks in pursuit of significant reward and profits. Rewards that the current adopters of App technology are enjoying right now – see page 64.

Respond decisively and professionally

Historically, agility meant adapting and reporting in a matter of months. We had the luxury to think, prepare and decide. It’s a little laughable now, but we have spoken to firms whose policy was to ride the third or fourth wave. Wait that long now and you’ll be like a fish out of water, staring at a reducing client base, rising attrition and reducing income.

Get the full report or register for a free App demonstration:

If you have enjoyed reading this article, why not download the full 64 page report here, or to review the world’s leading App for professional firms register for your free App Demo here.