Well it looked like we all survived ‘Mobilegeddon’

Or did we . . . . ?

April saw Google shake up the way search results are shown using its new ‘mobile-friendly’ algorithm update.

If you have already made being ‘mobile’ a priority for your firm, and you have both a mobile website and an App, then Congratulations! Welcome to the club and the future of the profession.

However, if your firm hasn’t yet become ‘mobile’, then you may need to make some changes – and fast.

OK . . . it’s not the end of the world if your site isn’t ready and you don’t yet have an App, but you really need to start thinking about ‘how will your firm respond’. Without doubt, your site will already have dropped down the search results and ultimately your firm will get left behind.

30-minute webinar ‘Mobile Revolution’ 17th June 12:30 – register free

This 30 minute session shows you everything you need to do to keep your website on Google – and just as importantly, profit from the increasingly essential world of mobile marketing.

Together we will look at:

  1. Practical steps your firm can take to protect your website and the future of your business.

  2. How to make sure you’re not thrown off Google

  3. What to tell your website provider to make your site mobile friendly

  4. Avoid being ripped off by providers charging a fortune for the change

  5. How to profit from the great mobile opportunities that exist

Claim your webinar seat today!

I look forward to you joining us live.

Warm regards


Joel Oliver | joelo@insight-marketing.com | www.insight-marketing.com | T 0800 803 0826

P.S. If you want to hear the webinar but can’t make this date, don’t worry. Simply register anyway and as a delegate my team will send you a full recording once the webinar closes with our compliments. You are free to watch this anytime.