Take a moment to fill in the form below and you will immediately get a link to the App to download right away – for free. Plus your free 1:1 walkthrough of the key features with Q&A.

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A glimpse at some of the features

Budget & Tax Pack

Give your clients critical content, tax dates, key rates, budget and autumn updates with full commentary – all in App.


An incredibly powerful way to communicate directly with your App users (individuals or groups of users) with a 90% + open rate.

Automated Marketing

Let MyFirmsApp take care of marketing while you take care of business. Bi-weekly messages created and distributed without you having to do anything.

Receipt Manager

Using your App, clients photograph a receipt input the data, save and export when appropriate – no more lost receipts!

Income Tracker

Users can log and track income on the go, input notes, then export at any time – all at the touch of a button.

Mileage Tracker

Using the latest GPS technology, users can tap, track and go – then stop, save, and export when ready.


Finally, everything in one simple, centralised place thanks to integrations with almost all major platforms.

100% Compliant

Approved, endorsed, compliant and used by some of the biggest tax teams in the world – giving you total peace of mind.

Free 1:1 Walkthrough

This is your exclusive opportunity to talk to one of our mobile experts, 1:1 via phone or Skype. It’s a rare opportunity for you to see how firms like yours are using this new technology to get connected and importantly why they love it. You’ll also discover what return on investment you can expect and critically how it will work for your business.

During your call you will also hear for yourself why it’s so popular – nominated as Top Mobile Product by Accounting Today and why it produces comments like “It’s one of the most exciting things I have seen in 25 years of accounting!”

Register Here > >

It’s a lovely App – much nicer than carrying a business card. I was with a group of business people recently, they were all handing out business cards and I said, “well, I’ve got an App actually – and they all looked impressed!” It’s easy to find on the Playstore & easy to download there & then.

You could be sitting with a client and you can just get the App out if you need to access any information. It’s easy to use.

With business cards people will file them away in a drawer, if they’re organised, but everyone carries their phone around and so they have access to your details on the App instantly.

Stephanie Fitzpatrick-Corkin Sole Trader

A unique collection of powerful calculators

The ‘OneApp’ solution gives you a great calculators that will save you, your team and your customers hours of time. From calculators used regularly to those use for specific transactions, there all here, in the App and all updated by MyFirmsApp.

Capital Gains Tax . Dividend versus Salary . Corporation Tax . Income Tax . Increased Profit . IHT . Contractor . Should I Incorporate? . APR . Stamp Duty . Inflation . VAT . Payslip . Loan . Company Car . Mortgage . Savings