Five ways technology can streamline business processes and transform client experience

This exclusive webinar explores how App technology can make digital adoption easy, help boost your firm’s productivity and add value to your client relationships.

Date/Time: Tuesday, 11th February, at 1:00pm
Duration: 45 Minutes
Presenter: Dan Richards – Strategic Partnerships Director

Technology is transforming the way firm’s operate, but the key to it being successful is getting clients onboard, wherever they may be on the digital adoption curve.
Join Dan Richards, Strategic Partnerships Director at MyFirmsApp, to discover how App technology can make digital adoption easy, help boost your firm’s productivity and add value to your client relationships.

Join us in this live demo webinar to explore:

1. The benefit of containing all your client Apps in one place & how this helps clients embrace digital
2. Using push notifications for easier & more engaging client communications
3. Collecting client data through Receipt Manager and Mileage tracker tools
4. The best way to deliver expert content on tax & budget news, including in-App calculators
5. How all of the above ties together to differentiate your brand and deliver exceptional client value