General Election tax policies and spending – how to communicate to your clients

With the 5-week General Election well underway, the major parties are campaigning in force with their bid to control the country and the final direction on Brexit.

As of November 6th, Parliament officially dissolved, triggering the official start of the campaign and the first change came with Sir Lindsay Hoyle elected as the new Commons Speaker, replacing John Bercow.

In this time, the Government does not make any major policy announcements or commitments.

With the British public heading to the polling booths on Thursday, December 12th, and the elected crop of MPs expected to conduct their first session around December 23rd, the big question facing everyone is who will win the election.

With details of the manifestos now public, you can communicate updates straight to clients’ devices regarding the relevant pledges, tax policies, proposed spending, Budget impact, and how your clients’ employment sectors and businesses may be affected.

How can you best communicate tax updates effectively to your client base?

An easy way to ensure that clients are kept up to date on the important matters affecting them is by sending push notifications. When utilised correctly, they can provide the key to reconnecting a firm’s brand with clients and prospects and building trust and value through more regular and relevant interactions.

This can come in the form of targeted, group notifications – you can split registered users into relevant sectors, such as business, self-employed, technology, civil service and education and send relevant messaging to those individually. An update regarding taxes for individuals and businesses for example could therefore be sent to those relevant client groups.

Push messages are also five times more effective than email, so any communications you may send to clients around the breaking election news and tax policies are more likely to be opened and read, cementing further trust.

With your own branded App, you can incorporate push notification messages into the firm’s communication strategy – and this can include automated messaging. This allows you to choose from a set of pre-built messages around tax, Budget, legislation updates and more – and simply switch on/off to determine what best suits your firm’s messaging and brand. Used in this way, digital technology can play an important role in enhancing the client experience.

You can download the App free and try it for yourself – just click the button below!