Australian accounts and bookkeepers can create their own unique App today

Discover why over 200 Australian Accountants & Bookkeepers registered to see this brand new App

Recently Accountants Daily and Digital First revealed a webinar – only offered to readers – by MyFirmsApp. It was our way of introducing a powerful App service to the Austrian accountancy market.

We expected a handful of pioneering accountants and bookkeepers to register. The more innovative, tech savvy firms understand the changes in the profession and ‘get’ why launching their own App using a proven solution like MyFirmsApp can transform their relationships with clients.

Instead we were overwhelmed – not only did over 200 firms register for the live session, we had scores of other enquiries wanting to demo the App free or register for a future webinar.

As a result we have brought forward our next webinar – it is completely free to register.

Learn how an App can transform your business

Join the App revolution today!

The App economy is thriving. According to the App-Happy Australia survey from McCrindle research, 50% of respondents use an App every day. Deloitte also found that 57% of Australians consider their phone their ‘go to device’ for services.

And the App economy is alive and waiting for your firm’s App. According to the latest Australian Lifestyle Index, 89% of Australians now own a smartphone, 60% own a tablet PC with 32% of respondents that didn’t own a smartphone would be purchasing one in the next 12 months.

How many times have your clients asked if your practice has an App they could use?

The App economy is thriving and expanding. One of the most dynamic sectors is accounting and finance. Can your accountancy or bookkeeping practice afford not to have an App?

Building on our massive success in the UK where our Apps are used by over 85,000 end users, we are now bringing our services to Australia. Our team are already in dialogue with the CPA, The Tax Institute, CA and FPA.

Your practice’s App can deliver a number of benefits including:

  • More convenience to your clients.
  • Intuitive user interfaces.
  • Off-line working.
  • Access to native features of the phone or tablet.
  • Apps are purpose-built for their devices – websites are not.

In their 2014 Mobile Behaviour report, ExactTarget commented: “The brand with the easiest-to-access content wins. Eighty-three per cent of consumers said that a seamless experience across all their devices is somewhat or very important; they want the content they want where and when they want it. Deliver it and you’ll be the clear leader.”

Learn how an App can transform your business

How to future proof your accounting and bookkeeping services

Our team of experts will reveal 7 reasons why your firm should launch its own smartphone App.

In today’s increasingly competitive market, it’s not enough to continue doing what we have always done. Whatever your personal view on Apps, the Cloud, smartphone or mobile technology, this webinar is a ‘must-attend’ for accountants, bookkeepers and professional advisors.

Businesses across Australia are run on the move with Apps. Developing your practice’s App means:

  • You have a channel to your clients that is always available.
  • An App will pay for itself many times over by reinforcing your relationships with clients.
  • Your App will differentiate your firm from others, making your practice a destination for businesses that want to use your App.
  • Time and resources are saved with the automation that is possible with your App.
  • Clients love Apps. Your practice’s clients will come to rely on your App.
  • Once your practice has an App, this will attract many more new clients.
  • Stay ahead of the technology curve with an App that can be constantly updated.

Why not join the hundreds of other accountancy and bookkeeping practices that are learning how Apps can transform their business?

“More and more clients are performing accounting and tax functions using an mobile device, and the software vendors themselves are spending significant resources developing their mobile apps. Out new App can blend with this and form a neat connection between the client, their accounting software and their advisors.

“It has been a very interesting project thus far and I hope this is just the beginning. Obviously seeing the completed product for the first time this week, has already opened up discussion and talking points on further enhancements and potential uses for the App. I look forward to continued work with MyFirms App.”

Stuart Brandman, Director, 542 Partners.

Full details of the next webinar available here