I am not sure what you think about the recent announcement that tax returns will become a thing of the past. According to David Gauke’s report, it’s part of the Government’s vision to modernise the tax system, by replacing tax returns with digital tax accounts.

As the profession continues to debate the effect this may have, there is, fortunately, one thing you can do right now to prepare your firm for the future and ensure that your practice benefits from this change. We will be exploring more during this webinar.

How can you respond today?

For months, we have watched firms unknowingly give away ‘The Crown Jewels’ of the practice which they have guarded for so long, by handing out direct access to their customers. Here’s how…

As software providers such as Xero, Sage, FreeAgent, Receipt Bank and IRIS have launched their own Apps, many firms have given these Apps to their customers without thinking through the implications. Big mistake!

In one moment of madness, they have:

Given away control of their client to a software supplier.

Shot themselves in the foot by making control of any future App relationship impossible.

Reduced their ability to benefit commercially from mobile Apps.

Sidelined themselves from the relationship, as clients will now go direct.

What’s that got to do with the end of Tax Returns?

It’s all about to get a whole lot more serious! A quick glance at the Government’s document about the end of Tax Returns, shows that it is littered with pictures of Tablets and Smartphones. As HMRC prepare to go mobile, with personal tax accounts available in real time from anywhere, firms without an existing App relationship with their clients risk being overlooked.

But it’s not too late! You can respond today by launching your own App which will become the critical interface between your firm, your customers and your systems.

Warm Regards


Daniel Richards | MyFirmsApp

P.S. That’s not all! When you register for this webinar, I will rush you a copy of our latest report as my Thank You gift. It contains the most up-to-date thinking on lead generation.