The Dancing Accountant and how to differentiate your practice

The dancing accountant has gone viral, if you visit his You Tube channel you will see that hundreds have viewed his funny, memorable and interesting clips. In a recent article online his videos were described as ‘the talk of the industry’.

And here is his latest clip, performing the Proclaimers on a train station platform.

A simpler way for those who don’t want to dance

Frankly we love his videos, his daring and great ideas. They go some way to thrash the stereotypical view of accountants, and that’s great. But not every partner we know would enjoy dancing to the proclaimers in fronts of stacks of people. Let alone be on video and shared on blogs like this.

So what can you do?

Well we know the problem is that it’s tough to differentiate your firm from the next one down he road. So what if there was a simple, neat, low cost, very professional way to differentiate your firm?

Less than 2 percent of UK accountants have an App

Smartphone use is booming, by launching your new App to your tech hungry clients and prospects you will immediately stand out – as different. And without having to do any dances on a train station.

This will win you business (Read one firms story here) but more than that, it will make conversations easier.

So to see the latest App for yourself free simply register for your 1:1 App demo here During which you can discover why this is the most popular App solution and why ACCA, ICAS, AIA, CIMA, ICPA and others all promote this one solution. You can register for your no obligation App demonstration here

Something physical to give people

Having an App positions you differently, we have had client’s print massive App banners for exhibitions, decal up staff cars, get pages of free PR and give away iPads with the App pre loaded to large new clients.
It’s not simply about giving it to all your customers and prospects and letting them download it. Its about the impact and impression getting your own App approved by Apple and Google, Simple things like showing customers how to download your new App or scan a QR code positions you in a new light. Sharing your free App with prospects whose own accountant might be stuck in the dark ages is a powerful step. It says an awful lot about you without you having to say anything at all!

And without ever having to ‘sell’ to anyone.

All you need to do is give it away free to as many people as possible.

Your FREE App Demonstration

In just a few minutes from the comfort of your own desk you can see what’s achievable using this low-cost App solution. We will show you examples of other accountants who are already using this technology and how your firm can benefit from it too.

Simply click here to register for your free, no obligation App demonstration.