Six Proven Ways To Grow Your Firm Join Global Thought Leader David Oliver for a webinar series to discuss how professional firms can generate high quality clients with ease. In this compelling global webinar series I will personally share the most profitable ways to win handpicked, high quality, fee paying clients rather than selling your…
It’s funny! Over the past few months I have read a lot of blog posts, LinkedIn articles and news stories from around the world that talk about change in the accountancy profession. In particular, the big shift seems to revolve around four change points: Compliance work is reducing or disappearing Software does more and may…
A profession under threat In the past 18 months over 10,000 firms have registered for one of our webinars. During each one we’ve asked questions, gained feedback and listened very carefully. One of the biggest concerns that’s surfaced and developed in its intensity has been a growing feeling that the profession is under threat. These…