Best Accountancy’s trailblazing promotional strategies

One of the most important aspects of owning an App is knowing how to promote it, and we think that Plymouth-based firm Best Accountancy has nailed their strategy down. It’s already securing early dividends and impressing their existing clients. These marketing techniques encompass both traditional and brand new forms of marketing and take the best of both to make a lasting impression on anyone who views them – they don’t have to look hard to find out that Best Accountancy has an App.

“The newspaper has worked pretty well.”

One of these strategies is tapping into one of the oldest forms of modern advertising: printed newspaper ads. Inside the local South Hams Gazette, Best Accountancy founders John and Angela Best wrote an editorial on how physical fitness affects performance at work. Underneath the editorial, there’s a simple ad showcasing the services that they offer as well as a QR Code that directs the reader to the App store page. Printing this ad in a newspaper gets plenty of eyes on it in a way that most website banner ads wouldn’t, in a non-intrusive manner. Every article that John and Angela work on has that ad next to it, further reinforcing and emphasising the ad.

Another traditional technique they’ve adopted is the leaflet hand out. Inside the leaflet is a comprehensive description of the most popular calculators and tax tables on the App. Highlighting these features through such an ad will prompt anyone who receives one to check out the App if they need assistance in that field. From there, it’s only a matter of time before they use the App to contact Best Accountancy: it’s a win-win situation for both parties!

Websites & Banners showcase the Best Accountancy App

One of the first things you see when visiting the Best Accountancy website is a huge image scroller advertising the features of the App and its portable functionality. John and Angela have also written a blog about the App, as well as frequent updates on whatever’s changed in the App.

One of their most effective – certainly their heaviest – method of marketing their App is a large banner stand at the foot of the stairs. This banner displays their firm’s mission statement, their objectives and a call to action asking visitors to ‘Download our App’. It’s impossible to get in the building without seeing the banner, thus any visitors to the firm will know about this App. This banner gets transported to any seminars or events they take part in, ensuring that even more people learn about the App.

“We wanted to change our colour and logo and came up with what we have now. It matches all the promotion; the cards, banners, logo, and the App is the same, too.”

Other methods of advertisement used include personalised business cards with the App Store and Google Play logo and a call to action asking visitors to ‘Download our App’: an easy way to inform people who work with you. John and Angela frequently discuss the App in meetings, where many of these marketing strategies were discussed and implemented.

“I’ll get asked a question and say ‘oh, hang on – I’ll go into the App. It’s my App – have you downloaded it yet?’ It’s a good tool to have at that point.”

The team at Best Accountancy have made a concerted effort to advertise the App and integrate it into their working lives. John Best frequently answers questions using the App to calculate something, or showcase the App’s receipt management, income and mileage tracking features that have proved to be a boon to App users.

All this combined makes Best Accountancy’s App one of the best-promoted Accountancy Apps in the UK. And it shows – 1078 iOS devices and 221 Android devices have downloaded their App. The runaway success of this marketing strategy suggests that there is a whole lot that a firm can do to promote their App and receive impressive results.