Bespoke App development

As an alternative to the OneApp approach, some firms want their own unique App on the App store under their own account, with no branding from MyFirmsApp. Bespoke Apps can still make use of the basic OneApp platform but can be overlaid with your own ideas, changes and customisation. Bespoke Apps are quoted on a case-by-case basis.  To find out more, simply contact us.

MyFirmsApp have their own, in-house team of highly experienced designers and developers, who understand professional service firms. Therefore, if you are looking to have your own App developed, you can access our unique blend of experience and our suite of pre-built tools, tax data and functionality.

If you can dream it and we can draw it, then we can almost certainly build it for you.

Large firm solutions

Over 25% of the top 100 UK accountants use our platform and proven technology. That’s because we provide a rock-solid, compliant platform that large firms can then build upon.

We’ve heard many instances of large firms using a general App developer, agency or an internal DIY approach to build an App. It’s often ended in a complete mess, in some cases with tens of thousands of pounds wasted. One firm spent over 18 months and £70,000 only to bin the App and use MyFirmsApp.

That’s because it’s more than just an App, or taking an idea and developing it; the tax content and calculators alone are a massive task! In the UK, it took us almost two years to get our App and tax process compliant with the ICAEW. In addition, you have GPS Mileage Tracking, integrations with systems like Receipt Bank and Virtual Cabinet; the list goes on. At MyFirmsApp, we make what is complex simple.

I just wanted to send you a quick email to say thank you for your work on the App. It’s been an excellent tool for the practice; we’ve had numerous benefits. One area where we regularly see it working is with new business generation. To give you one example, just last week we had a new barrister client join us who had come across our App. She really liked the tools and the fact that it was such a helpful and different way of supporting clients. It was enough for her to get in touch and then with our strength of experience in this sector a new client was won! It’s great to see the App initiating contact like this and supporting our reputation.

Mason Bloom, Partner

Silver Levene