Meet the latest marketing recruit from Baxter & Co

We love this fantastic, simple and creative idea from Baxter and Co and their new assistant PAM.

PAM (Personal Accounting Manager) is a wonderful innovative marketing tool that has helped attract attention and brand awareness for Baxter and Co. The latest recruit is central to their marketing, and has been used on leaflets and marketing material to promote the App, as well as at exhibitions.

PAM represents a perfect visual tool to draw in prospects. She’s a great link for the firm, and Baxter and Co have had some fantastic feedback from this; people recognise the firm, the brand and the App through PAM, and she is the innovation to tie everything together.

Baxter and Co will introduce PAM at exhibitions – she forms the background of their stand and it has even been featured in a local news magazine. She also appears online to promote the App and link to other useful resources.

PAM has appeared in a few local calendar and magazine adverts, helping to promote the App and key tax dates. She’s central to their marketing and will be incorporated into a Payroll video for Academies, where PAM is holding the iPad, alongside other vital promotional techniques like including a QR code to download the App.

Baxter and Co feel that PAM perfectly encapsulates their personality, warm approach and friendly nature – make sure to keep an eye out for her!