Accountex 2016 starts tomorrow, will you be there?

Accountex 2016 Starts Tomorrow – Will You Be There?

As of May 10th, the MyFirmsApp stand at Accountex 2016 has joined the ranks of hundreds of other participants. Although this miniature village constructed for Accountex remains quiet and dormant for tonight, it’s fully expected that by tomorrow morning a flood of accountants will have stormed onto the Accountex floorplan, ready to see, hear and sense how the profession is changing.

2016 is Accountex’s 5th year anniversary and has acquired a reliable and loyal following of accountancy firms, FDs & MDs, account managers and tax professionals eager to find the latest business growth strategies, technological developments and hundreds of seminars and workshops willing to discuss new ideas and bring new strategies to the table.

We can think of a number of reasons why everybody in accounting ought to attend:

  • A first hand guide to how Accountancy is changing:

Since Accountex is designed to promote new ideas in the accounting world, there will be a number of opportunities to see how the profession is changing for good. The numerous seminars, workshops and keynote speeches available at Accountex intend to deconstruct these potentially daunting threats to your firm and provide cogent answers, all in a single place.

  • A great use of your time:

While consulting one-on-one with all these firms could take hundreds of hours out of your schedule, meeting them casually at Accountex may only take a couple of minutes of your time. And they will be there: Accountex is the largest accounting exhibition in Europe for British accountants, and many firms recognise this.

  • 200 Exhibiting Firms:

Accountex 2016 will host 200 suppliers and firms, ranging from small start-ups and local business to national and international giants, all of whom are seeking the same thing: a chance to show off their business and gain new clients. Among this impressive line-up, you will find ICPA, Panalitix, Receipt Bank, Sage, Xero and many others will be exhibiting.

  • A chance to hear leaders, visionaries and the latest thinking:

Among the numerous opportunities for sales and exposure, Accountex is first and foremost a rare occasion for leading firms to share their success story. For such a competitive and cut-throat industry, many firms are willing to lend a hand to others and help them adapt to offer a different service to all the derivative firms swarming the industry.

  • 1 venue, 200 companies, 169 CPD sessions under 1 roof:

169 CPD sessions, 200 exhibiting companies displaying their services and 5,500 visitors covering a wide range of services & industries, all gathering together at ExCeL London. Accountex provides something you simply do not see anywhere else in Europe. There’s no shortage of things to see and do, with hundreds of hours’ worth of content for visitors to consume.

  • Theatres & Speakers:

From Ian Fletcher’s discussion on alternative marketing techniques to gain new clients, to our own David Oliver’s discussion on 4 big threats to the accountancy practice and how to counter them, there is a wealth of speakers wishing to discuss the current climate of accounting, how to benefit from it and how to avoid sinking in the current sea change.

  • An enthusiastic, exciting atmosphere:

Some may think that an accounting exhibition would be a dull thing to attend, but many attendees including MyFirmsApp can attest to the positive atmosphere you get at Accountex. The common stereotypes of accountants and the industry it works in are blown away by the eagerness displayed in previous years, and what will likely be the case this year.

  • A tale of two exhibits: Accountex and LegalEx:

Also occurring at the same time and the same place as Accountex is LegalEx.  Although smaller than Accountex, it has taken leaps and bounds in progress since last year’s event. For those willing to attend this venue as well as Accountex, bring your legal contacts with you or make contact with a multitude of law firms enthusiastically searching for new clients.

As we have stated before, Accountex is one of the largest accounting exhibitions in Europe, and definitely the largest in the United Kingdom, attracting over 5000 visitors from all corners of the industry last year, and the number is expected to get bigger tomorrow.

Free tickets are still available, as is the Accountex App for Android and Apple devices developed by MyFirmsApp. If you are ready to attend Accountex, make sure you leave enough time to get there and know how to get to ExCeL on time for the event – 2 days may sound generous, but you will need it to get the most out of Accountex.

Visit the MyFirmsApp stand at A1020 to discover the power of mobile software packages and revolutionise your firm.