The digital world – an exciting time for CPA’s?

It’s no secret that in today’s world, digitisation is driving enormous change and opening the doors to many new opportunities, extending people’s choice over how, where and when they communicate with others, seek information and engage at any time.

There has been a steady increase in the penetration of connected devices and mobile is now firmly at the heart of the digital economy with over 50% of the world’s population — 3.9 billion people —estimated to be online in 2018 , and 96% of the world’s population living within range of a mobile network. In 2018, there were over 4 billion mobile devices — inclusive of tablets and phones — with many people in mature markets having multiple devices.

Now, a data connection means that it is possible for accountants to work alongside clients using cloud accounting applications wherever they happen to be in the world, to hold virtual meetings without either you or your client having to travel and to use social networking platforms to attract new clients. Location no longer holds the boundaries it once did.

Integrated multi-channel communications

For accountants, it is a particularly exciting time as emerging digital channels offer more choice in how they connect with their clients. These range from a dedicated digital platform developed specifically for the accountant in practice that allows them to engage on their clients’ smartphones and tablets to the use of social media platforms for regular topical interactions. Social networking predominantly used to be a local activity that was carried out face-to-face but in the new digital era, these new methods that utilise social media platforms can help to reinforce the firm’s branding and to increase connectivity with prospects. They help accountancy firms to make their voice heard so they are less likely to get lost in the noise of an always on world.

The power of digital networking

Social media is sometimes dismissed as something to do when there is room in the budget. However, the findings from a new report entitled State of Social 2019 suggest that it can represent a cost-effective way of brand building, of finding new opportunities and increasing visibility as part of an overall marketing strategy.

  • Facebook and Twitter are the most widely used social media platforms for business
  • Facebook is the most popular platform to post business content on
  • More and more brands are turning to video content

For group targeting, the most widely used platforms include Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram and WhatsApp but the findings suggest that there is potential for a move towards more private messaging on the popular platforms of Messenger and WhatsApp. However, this is an area still largely untapped by the business community with only a quarter of respondents saying that they have incorporated them into their social media campaigns.

Another way accountants are starting to connect with their clients digitally is through their own firm’s App.

The bonus of this is the connection with clients is 24/7 and the accountant is accessible from client’s pockets via their Smartphones – and with automated communications through push notifications, the user is alerted to personal messages from their accountant on a range of subjects such as simple updates on tax, legislation, deadlines and news from the practice.

With forward-thinking firms using connectivity to achieve better and more profitable client relationships, find out what your accountancy practice can achieve today – download our free guide ‘The Connected Accountant’ and discover this and more.

To find out more about how your own App can benefit your practice book a free demo today.