The number of downloads for Finance Apps has increased by a massive 75 percent from 2016

A recent study in the legal sector, which drew on the views of 1000 consumers and 500 UK law firms, has found categorically that clients want more digital interaction and they expect their advisors to digitally engage with them in the way that they want, need and expect.

With such close links between the accounting and legal professions, these findings make interesting reading as they suggest that new ways of communicating will be warmly welcomed.

Clients expect immediacy and don’t want to wait days for paper documents to arrive in the post or for an email to come through with the answer to a question that could be easily resolved with an instant message or automated response. One easily accessible solution is for a practice to implement a communications platform that moves the accountant/client relationship onto a digital footing and makes it possible to connect on mobiles and tablets to achieve better ‘connections’ that are more suited to the demands of today’s clients.

Apps account for over 90 percent of internet time on smartphones and 77 percent of internet time on tablets.

One of the biggest changes is the way in which mobile Apps are used and they now account for the lion’s share of time spent online with every demographic embracing them. US adults are said to have spent an average of 3 hours, 35 minutes per day on mobile devices in 2018 and Apps account for over 90 percent of internet time on smartphones and 77 percent of internet time on tablets.

It is worth noting that finance Apps are fast gaining in popularity according to the State of Mobile Report 2019 and the number of downloads has increased by a massive 75 percent from 2016. For those firms that have their own App or are considering investing in one, the good news is that there has been a significant growth in sessions in fintech Apps, which points to their ‘stickiness’ and ability to foster habit forming behaviours.

The latest study by Ofcom shows how the increasing take-up of faster fixed and mobile data services is extending people’s choice over how, where and when they communicate with others, watch or listen to content services, seek information, shop and participate in the digital world.

MyFirmsApp are the world’s leading provider of Apps for Accountants, and recognise the need for a digital App platform to allow accountants and their clients to connect, collaborate and engage at anytime. With a branded App for your firm, it can allow you to take advantage of this opportunity, providing key tax content for clients, automated communication around tax deadlines, updates and more, all delivered direct to clients’ devices.

Download our free report on The Connected Accountant for more information and further findings on digital interactions and improving the client experience.