Why attend Accountex 2018?

The MasterChef champion for 2018 has just been crowned and this got us thinking. In many ways, to get an exhibition and conference right, you need a very special combination; you need the right ingredients, equipment and technique to produce the perfect balance of flavours. You also need the right Chef(s) who can pull all of that together into one amazing, unforgettable experience.

And that’s exactly what we’ve seen every year at Accountex. What the team have done, in our view, is nothing short of amazing. They have independently created a totally unique exhibition that’s become, for most, a permanent date in the accountancy profession.   We’ve written lots of Accountex blogs on previous years but what’s going to happen at Accountex 2018? What is going to be new, different, bigger or just better that makes it a must attend this year?

Accountex 2018 – A unique recipe, great chefs – expect Michelin Star results

As the App support for the event, we have had the privilege of being involved in the planning and preparation for months. We’ve been watching the team at Divcom (the exhibition owners) get everything in order with amazing precision. We’ve seen their strategic goals, and their unrelenting desire to ensure every Accountex event is better than the last. And with such engaged exhibitors and visitors, they have thousands of ideas and improvements from Accountex 2017 they are putting into place. Most of them are top secret, and you are going to need to attend to see them for yourself. And if you’ve never been before – Accountex 2018 is going to blow you away.

Here’s what we can share – for Accountex 2018

For Accountex 2018, we think those flavours are going to pack a punch and really get your taste buds tantalised. That’s why it’s worth setting the time aside to invest in your business and attend.

1. Truly independent with no hidden agenda other than to serve you

We’ve been working in the profession for over 35 years, and we attend or exhibit at almost all the events in the accounting diary. And there are similarities with all of them, they almost all have an agenda (open or hidden) and contain ‘pitch after pitch’, and in many ways that’s expected. Advice from many of the speakers leans towards recommending providers or solutions that pay the greatest kickback or sponsorship fees. And in part that’s business.

At Accountex it’s different, in fact one of the things we love about working with the Chefs’ at Accountex is that they are truly independent. They have no ulterior motive, nothing to ‘sell’, their goal is to give you, the visitor, an incredible experience that you can’t get at any other event. In achieving this, they get your loyalty, they know you will return, and the event will get better and better.

That means, that you as the visitor, are not forced to listen to anything that’s not relevant to you and your practice or business, you pick the experience that you want, you visit the talks and stands you want, and you win.

2. Get re-energised at Accountex 2018  

Being an account or running a practice can be incredibly demanding and it can take its toll. Dealing with accounting challenges, client problems, changes in the profession and compliance (MTDfB and GDPR recently) can sap away positivity, and enthusiasm. Most also face a regular barrage of negativity, government agencies, professional bodies, often other colleagues and also customers.

For those running smaller practices there is a lot of alone-time, working unsociable hours and putting everything into the practice. It can be very tough, and finding people to relate to, that can offer helpful advice, is also a challenge.

It’s this combination of challenges that can ultimately start to sap away energy levels and for us – one of the big wins at Accountex is to soak up the atmosphere – it’s alive, eclectic, and it will re-energise you. Being around other likeminded people, you can network, share challenges, get new ideas and the latest thinking. You can hear amazing content, see the new tech and see what’s going to make your life or your client’s life easier. See some of those mountains of concern move or melt away as you hear proven ways to overcome them.

And leave physically tired, with sore feet but totally re-energised with a new perspective and scores of new ideas to take your business forward.

3. A unique speaker line up at Accountex 2018 means world-class content free

There is nobody else in the world where this line up has all been in one venue, under one roof over the same 2 days.

You get to choose who to listen to and why.   Accountex 2018 has a remarkable line up from trusted well known presenters, to the new kids on the block and rising stars including some big names outside of the profession.

Accountex 2018 has more content than ever before with a whopping 19 theatres delivering seminars, workshops and keynotes.

And to avoid disappointment theatres have changed and improved. At Accountex 2018 you will see 2 keynote theatres to ensure everyone gets to hear the presenter of their choice (standing room only last year!).

You can see the introduction of some brand new theatres including a tech demonstration session running every 45 minutes.

Plus, this year there are going to be some fabulous new round table discussions debating the hot industry topics of the day. You can hear from leading industry speakers about the issues which are important to you and will make the most difference to the future of your practice, including MTD and GDPR.

Stay up to date whilst enjoying yourself

It seems that the profession is changing at an ever-increasing pace. By attending Accountex in 2018 you will meet new people, hear new ideas, discover the latest thinking and perhaps come away with that one thing which will transform your practice. You can’t cook up a storm if you don’t get into the kitchen!

We are all very busy people, but that is why Accountex 2018 is such a great idea! It’s like a one-pot gourmet meal with the chance to meet suppliers (over 200 of them), gather CPD points, sit in on a seminar (in one of 19 theatres) and network with your peers. Planning is key so make sure you visit the Accountex website to see which exhibitors and seminars you want to get in your diary. You can also download this FREE Accountex 2018 Guide which will help you get the most out of this year’s show.

OK, we know it’s a business event, but that doesn’t mean it can’t be fun, right? It has all the ingredients for a 12-course tasting menu! With thousands of people to engage with, hundreds of interesting new things to discover, it’s guaranteed to be a fun packed enjoyable 2 days. You don’t want to miss out on that now, do you?

Practice Progress Workshops

Here at MyFirmsApp we have put together a series of super tasty workshops covering an array of fresh, challenging and proven strategies to help firms grow and prosper in this changing digital world.

Designed for accountants in practice, these 7 different workshops sessions are jam packed with new material. From how to make sense of the MTDfB mess, to winning new clients, profitability and practice growth – there is something in the workshops of value for any Accountant in practice.

Places are limited so it’s best to reserve your seat to avoid disappointment.

So, make sure you take advantage of this mouth-watering buffet of content and register for your complimentary ticket for Accountex. Then plan your visit to ensure you end up with a gourmet meal and not the dog’s dinner!