Accountex 2017 – Should you attend?

It’s all in the Mixology

Cocktails are all the rage. You can’t move an inch without finding a bank or railway arch turned into a new trendy cocktail bar. What makes a perfect cocktail? We all have our favourites but it comes down to the skill of the mixologist and getting the right balance of flavours.

We think that at Accountex, more than ever this year, they have the ‘mix’ just right. That’s why it’s worth setting the time aside to invest in your business and attend.

Here are our top 5 reasons why Accountex is a must see this year:

1. Content, content, content

Where else can you get so much valuable content all under one roof? There are a mind boggling 14 theatres delivering seminars, workshops and keynotes. You can hear from leading industry speakers about the issues which are important to you and will make the most difference to the future of your practice, including MTD.

2. Efficient use of your valuable time

Where else could you cover so much in one place at one time? At Accountex you can meet key suppliers (there are over 200 of them), fill up on CPD requirements (at one of the 14 theatres) and of course network with thousands other professionals. Planning is key so make sure you visit the Accountex website to see which exhibitors and seminars you want to get in your diary.

3. Keeping you finger on the pulse

The profession is changing at an accelerated rate. Attending Accountex is the easiest way to get a sense of what’s happening and what’s coming next. New faces, new processes, new solutions – if you are not here, you can miss the next big thing! There is always that one inspiration which could have a transformative effect on your firm.

4. It’s fun!

OK, we know it’s a business event, but that doesn’t mean it can’t be fun, right? And with thousands of like-minded professionals all mingling together in a cocktail of content and new discoveries, you know that you are going to have an enjoyable experience.

5. Digital Change Workshops

In a profession where digital growth is accelerating, MyFirmsApp are responding to demand for information by delivering ‘Digital Change Workshops’. These workshops will help you discover how to cope with growing digital demands and let you focus on doing your job. We will also have key workshops on preparing for Making Tax Digital and turning it to your advantage. These are very popular so you need to pre-book.

So, make sure you take advantage of this superb cornucopia of content and register for your complimentary ticket for Accountex. Then plan your visit to ensure you get your own mixology right and maximise your time.