Spring Budget 2017

Farewell to Spring Budgets

As we all prepare for the coming final Spring Budget, I wanted to let you know how you can easily keep in touch with what happens on the day, even if you are out and about on the move.
Take a minute to open up our App (search MyFirmsApp in your App store if you don’t currently have it on your mobile) and click on the ‘Budget News’ icon – it’s the one which looks like a briefcase. In here, you will find a fantastic resource with Budget expectations, commentary on the day, announcements, summary write-up and reactions.
Currently, you will see the coverage from the last few Budgets in there, but on 8th March you will see a new section covering all the key news for Spring Budget 2017. We will be updating this section throughout the day. To make sure you get the updates as they happen, enable push notifications for the App, if you have not already done so.
Keeping up to date at this important time of year is a key service we offer via our App. Not only do our App customers benefit from this directly, but more importantly, their clients do too. Our accountancy and bookkeeping customers, who have had their own customer App developed by us, are able to provide this valuable service to their clients, underlining their position as trusted advisors.
Thanks for your time and if you want to chat any further about your own App, you can find out more here.