William Buck Tax App launches with MyFirmsApp™

William Buck was established in 1895 as an accountancy firm in Melbourne. Since its creation it has seen itself through several economic depressions and emerged stronger than ever. After downsizing in the wake of the global recession of the early-mid 1970s, William Buck decided to branch out from only performing accountancy services like compliance and auditing to corporate/business advice and business recovery. These valuable services allowed WB to expand throughout Australia and New Zealand by the turn of the millennium. The Melbourne firm have also managed to acquire over 70 directors and 500 staff members circa 2016.

As a financial advisory and accountancy firm, William Buck offers a number of valuable services to businesses and individuals such as auditing your business and consolidating your tax as well as offering financial advice to businesses, corporations and individuals. William Buck is also a member of Praxity, the largest independent accountancy alliance in the world with over 35000 employees working in 103 countries across the globe.

Refusing to develop an App means that people under 45 will have limited exposure to and less reason to seek your advice, which is notable because the 35-44 age demographic spends 73 hours on Smartphones alone! Younger Smartphone users tend to spend over 80 hours on their Smartphone on average. The sheer potential for exposure and generation of new clients in Smartphone users by designing an App is staggering.

The William Buck Tax App offers key tax information on the go

The William Buck Tax App been developed by MyFirmsApp™ to provide you with an all-in-one package that will allow you to access important tax and finance information at the push of a button anywhere.

The App will incorporate the latest finance, tax and accounting news on the go for clients, provided you have an internet connection. The news section will be updated by the MyFirmsApp™ team whenever necessary, so you don’t have to do anything. It also features blog support, a valuable marketing technique that generates leads effectively.

This App offers 16 specialised calculators to assist you in any financial needs you may have. These calculators will display a monthly/annual invoice total for a number of financial matters, including:

  • Income Tax
  • Company Tax
  • PAYG Withholding
  • Super Caps contributions and more
  • Capital Gains Tax
  • Goods & Services Tax
  • Fringe Benefit Tax

Receipt Manager: Are your clients frustrated with losing hundreds of old receipts and missing out on expense claims? The MyFirmsApp™ Receipt Manager will allow your clients to upload pictures of their receipts to their phone, manage them and give a short description of what they are.

Income Tracker: Your clients may have multiple sources of income and struggle to keep track of it. MyFirmsApp™ Income Tracker allows you to input all your different forms of income into one place and track it next to total expenditure.

Logbook: Your clients may have to make journeys as part of their business, and keeping track of your mileage with pen & paper is time consuming and confusing. The MyFirmsApp™ Mileage Tracker will record your travels for you and collate it all into a single App, which can be easily emailed.

Key App integration offers cloud accounting solutions

The App features several cloud accounting services such as Xero, MYOB and Reckon One. Through an in-built portal in your app, your clients can access and edit their financial information regardless of what platform they are using. Clients are going through, and interacting with, the Tax App to access cloud accounting, giving William Buck a level of control, service & client retention previously deemed almost impossible to achieve.

MyFirmsApp™ can easily integrate several login portals into your App. Not only is this a great feature for your clients, but your firm will benefit greatly from the level of service they can offer.

The App can also display a number of in-built tax tables for these taxes:

  • Company tax rates
  • Income for Medicare levy surcharge, thresholds and rates
  • Tax Rates
  • Individual Tax Rates for Minors & Adults
  • Tax Rates for Non-Resident Individuals

The William Buck Tax App is also designed to support Push Notifications, an innovative new way of presenting information and engaging clients in a method that doesn’t feel as irritating and time consuming as Email shots. While Email shots tend to get ignored by the vast majority of clients and very few of them actually read it, push notifications are short enough that nearly all of them will read them and 4 to 5 times the amount of users will respond to them in comparison to Email shots, directing them straight to whatever you advertised.

With the advent of mobile application software becoming important to businesses and individuals, William Buck has created an App to assist business owners and individuals with any needs they may have.

Apply for a full feature demo here and find out how MyFirmsApp™ can create an App tailored for your firm, transform your business and act as the interface between you and your clients.