Six Proven Ways To Grow Your Firm

Join Global Thought Leader David Oliver for a webinar series to discuss how professional firms can generate high quality clients with ease.

In this compelling global webinar series I will personally share the most profitable ways to win handpicked, high quality, fee paying clients rather than selling your services. Our business is to develop new ideas; to come up with fresh sales and marketing strategies that really work. Secure your place on these compelling, exclusive webinars below and access “breakthrough” tactics that will change the way you grow your firm.

Attracting new clients to your firm can be a challenge, especially in the current climate of accounting. Many firms are going bust trying to stay afloat in an environment that sees many national tax agencies unveiling new methods of performing their taxes without the middle man – accountants – getting involved.

We would like to say otherwise. This is not the end, but a new era of accounting.

Embrace the latest technology – The mobile App industry has been a success for many accountancy firms across the Anglosphere, but many doubt its ability to attract new clientele. In this live webinar, I will explain how using the latest technology to promote and provide useful information to clients is the best way to regain your firm’s footing and assure client retention.

Inbound Marketing – the traditional forms of marketing (i.e. Outbound Marketing) are expensive and becoming less successful at generating business. Many firms may consider inbound marketing techniques such as blogs, EBooks, newsletters & SEO to be ineffective, but I intend to end this unfounded assumption.

Word-of-Mouth marketing – Getting your family and friends to inform people about your services is all well and good, but it won’t reach the national/international level you’re looking for without attracting a specific kind of client…

Attract quality new customers: This webinar will explore a unique client acquisition strategy that helps your firm to attract the type of clients you really want to work for. Each idea shared is proven, tried and tested – generating results for other firms around the world.

This, and other proven methods of generating new clients will be discussed on the ‘6 Proven Ways to Grow Your Firm’ webinar.

This webinar will be live on Tuesday, March 15:

Register for Australian webinar: 4.00PM – 5.00PM AEDT
Register for United Kingdom webinar: 12:30PM – 1:15PM GMT
Register for American webinar: 1:00PM – 1:45PM EDT

Warm regards

David Oliver