A profession under threat

In the past 18 months over 10,000 firms have registered for one of our webinars. During each one we’ve asked questions, gained feedback and listened very carefully. One of the biggest concerns that’s surfaced and developed in its intensity has been a growing feeling that the profession is under threat. These are threats specific to accounting and bookkeeping firms that go well beyond historic changes and challenges to the market.
And so, in this all-new webinar I am going to reveal the 4 primary threats that, in today’s marketplace, are seen as major risks to running a successful CPA firm. Combined, they challenge the existing accountancy model. Some might suggest they question the need for an accountant at all – or perhaps that’s what they want you to think!

Attend and discover how to protect your firm while benefitting from the threats ahead.

When you attend, we will explain precisely what the 4 threats are, why we see them as significant and how they will affect professional CPA firms of all sizes. 
But knowing what they are is just part of the challenge! We want to help educate, equip and empower firms so you can not only prepare for the threats, but know exactly what to do to benefit from the changes ahead.

I do hope you can join us. Please register now and feel free to pass the invitation to others in your business.
Warm regards

David Oliver | Founder
Insight Marketing International Ltd


The Future of the Profession 

This all new webinar takes a look at the staggering historical changes within the profession and explores the 4 major threats our experts have identified for the future. Our team of market-watchers has an unmatched ability for sensing what’s happening and they are often ‘spot on’ with this type of call. They believe how you respond may affect the profitability and sustainability of your firm.

Don’t Expect Guesswork!

None of what our experts will reveal is theory, marketing hype or speculative guesswork. This live webinar will be direct, to the point, blunt in places and exciting in others. So don’t expect waffle, vague economic forecasts or speculation. It is focused on the 4 primary threats that we believe have the potential to affect every firm, regardless of size or geography.