A profession under threat

Would you like to join me on this live webinar, exclusively for accounting and bookkeeping firms? During the session, we are going to explore the key challenges that firms are facing and offer proven ways to respond.

Don’t expect negative news, hype or doomsday predictions though. When you attend, I will share with you ways to turn these challenges right on their head and exactly how to benefit from them.

It’s part of our goal to help educate, equip and empower firms to do more than just overcome. It’s my goal that you’ll leave knowing exactly what your firm can do to benefit from the changes ahead.

What are these challenges?

>> Growthwhilst trying to balance everything else
Trying to grow a practice whilst balancing this with demanding clients and struggling with the complexities of the regulations, tax changes, payroll and pension changes is a real challenge many firms we speak to and work with face.


>> New Technologyhow to cope with ‘digital disruption’ and taking action
Some firms are tech hungry and absorb the very latest ‘thing’ with ease, but most that we know struggle with the speed of the new technology. For some, it’s simply not the world they are used to, they acknowledge the need to respond but find it challenging to see the wood from the trees. Reaching out to millennials is of growing importance but how do you achieve that without it costing the earth and taking hours of partner time?


>> Increased competitionfrom other firms and in new ways
Competition has always existed but this new technology empowers your competitors to approach clients in new and more disruptive ways. What’s more, top 10 firms can now try and poach clients that were once the bread and butter of the average package, with KPMG and others offering ‘low cost budget’ accounting packages.


>> HMRC changesdigitalisation, quarterly reporting and the changes ahead
One of the biggest challenges to hit the profession in recent months is HMRC changes, ending the annual tax return and announcing plans for digitalisation and quarterly reporting. Surrounded in a foggy cloud of confusing and mixed messages, this is a very real and rather worrying challenge for many firms.

New ways to respond and succeed

I hope you can join us – and feel free to pass the invitation on to others within your business.

Warm regards

David Oliver | Founder
Insight Marketing International Ltd