
Top 10 reasons to go to Accountex 2016:

When Accountex 2016 begins, there will be a number of things for you to see and do to get the most out of this two-day event. Here’s our Top 10 Things To See At Accountex!


A first hand guide to how the accountancy profession is changing

Since Accountex is designed to promote new ideas in the accounting world, there will be a number of opportunities to see how the profession is changing for good. The numerous seminars available from firms like MyFirmsApp, 2020 Innovation, ACCA, Sage One and Exact provide valuable insight into every sect of the industry, while 2 workshops provided by MyFirmsApp and Tolley give the audience the ability to interact with the seminar being delivered rather than passively listening.  The 7 keynote speeches available at Accountex intend to showcase a number of important lessons for your firm such as alternative marketing strategies, how to spot a healthy practice and how to improve upon it,  how to take advantage of probate and the 4 Biggest Threats To Accountancy Firms, and many others.


A great use of your time

While consulting one-on-one with all these firms could take hundreds of hours out of your schedule, meeting them casually at Accountex may only take a couple of minutes of your time. And they will be there: Accountex is the largest accounting exhibition in Europe for British accountants, and many firms recognise this. Even if your prospective firm didn’t show up, there will be hundreds of firms searching for new clients. As previously mentioned, there will be over 150 seminars you could attend, 2 workshops open to the public as well as 7 keynote speeches delivered by the finest minds in the profession.


200 Exhibiting Firms

Accountex 2016 will host 200 suppliers and firms, ranging from small start-ups and local business to national and international giants, all of whom are seeking the same thing: a chance to show off their business and gain new clients. Among this impressive line-up, you will find the IFA, ICPA, Exact, 2020 Innovation, ACCA, AIA, CIMA, Panalitix, Receipt Bank, Sage, Tolley, Xero and many others will be exhibiting.


A chance to hear leaders, visionaries and the latest thinking

Among the numerous opportunities for sales and exposure, Accountex is first and foremost a rare occasion for leading firms to share their success story. Over 150 CPD seminars are available and several keynote speeches by industry leaders and visionaries are open to you if you attend. For such a competitive and cut-throat industry, many firms are willing to lend a hand to others and help them adapt to offering a different service to all the derivative firms swarming the industry. Our top must listen to sessions are:

  • What If You Don’t Have An App?
  • Marketing & Promoting your App
  • The Death of the Tax Return & a Strategy for Your Firm
  • 4 Threats to Accountancy Firms – And How to Overcome Them
  • Apps for Mid-Tier Firms & Top 100 Firms with Dan & Justin
  • Our Future Together and roadmap for 2016-2017 released
  • How can an App help you grow your firm?
  • MyFirmsApp: The Big Screen Demo


1 venue, 200 companies, 169 CPD sessions all under 1 roof

169 CPD sessions, 200 exhibiting companies displaying their services and 5,500 visitors covering a wide range of services & industries, all gathering together at ExCeL London. Accountex provides something you simply do not see anywhere else in Europe. There’s no shortage of things to see and do, with hundreds of hours’ worth of content for visitors to consume.


Theatres & Speakers

Among the CPD seminars and workshops are the theatres & speakers available, From Ian Fletcher’s discussion on alternative marketing techniques to gain new clients, to our own David Oliver’s discussion on 4 big threats to the accountancy practice and how to counter them, there is a wealth of speakers wishing to discuss the current climate of accounting, how to benefit from it and how to avoid sinking in the current sea change.


An enthusiastic, exciting atmosphere

Some may think that an accounting exhibition might be dull to attend, but many attendees including MyFirmsApp can attest to the positive, supercharged atmosphere you get at Accountex. The common stereotypes of accountants and the industry it works in are blown away by the sincere eagerness and friendliness displayed in previous years, and what will likely be the case this year.


A chance to learn more: 169 CPD seminars

If you’re a budding accountant who wants to learn more about the profession, Accountex is the place to be. 169 seminars, 19 more than last year, are going to be in session for the 2 days Accountex is open. These seminars contain such broad topics as what clients want from their firm, alternative marketing strategies, pricing annual accounts, the future of the accounting industry and new threats to the accounting industry.


A tale of two exhibits: Accountex & LegalEx

Also occurring at the same time and the same place as Accountex is LegalEx, an exhibition designed for law firms and other sects of the legal industry. Although smaller than Accountex, it has taken leaps and bounds in progress since last year’s event. For those willing to attend this venue as well as Accountex, bring your legal contacts with you or make contact with a multitude of law firms enthusiastically searching for new clients.


The Sales + Marketing Workshop sponsored by MyFirmsApp

MyFirmsApp will be running 15 seminars over the duration of Accountex about how to grow your firm, utilise the latest marketing strategies, client retention methods and creating effective lead generation, as well as the feasibility of having an App built for your firm, whether small or large.

Register for free tickets here